
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Welcome Eden Frank

Eden Frank was born at 6.13am on 29th July 2014 weighing just under 9lbs. Needless to say he's been keeping me pretty busy ever since.
I'm beginning to settle in mummyhood now and I think on the whole Eden has made it pretty easy for me. He took to feeding straight away and only lost 5% of his birth weight. By his 10 day check he was a lb heavier than when he was born and has been steadily gaining weight since.

I've also been lucky with nights, from early on he has only woken twice for feeds during the night and last night woke just the once! (I have to admit I haven't prescribed to the waking him every three hours for a feed during the night and it hasn't seemed to do him any harm). I'm just keeping my fingers crossed his sleeping patterns last for a while as I know it could change any moment.

He's 4 weeks old today and we got our first true smiles - definitely not wind! Grandpa got the first smiles and got quite a few to, then I was lucky enough to get some smiles myself this afternoon.
I had meant to write about a few things before the little man's arrival, but will have to do them post-baby now. They might actually be more useful now as I know from experience what I did or didn't find beneficial for the birth and first few weeks.....